Computer Use
Using computer resources is a privilege offered to students each academic year. This privilege can be taken away at the discretion of the classroom teacher or Principal. Computers and tablets are provided for students to use as educational tools for research, school work, and communication. Students are expected to act in a considerate and responsible manner when using technology. This policy is intended to promote digital citizenship and a safe, productive use of technology offered by JO’S Learning Academy.
Mobile Devices and Personal Electronics
JLA recognizes the wide range of mobile technology devices and their value as learning tools. For the purpose of this policy, mobile devices are deemed tablets, laptops, netbooks, and readers. Such devices can be brought to school in accordance with the following conditions: Parents/guardians are fully responsible for making the decision to provide a mobile reader for their child to bring to school. Students who bring a mobile reader to school do so at their own risk. JLA will not be responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of mobile readers brought from home. Students are expected to use their mobile readers only for school-related activities with the permission of teachers or supervising staff. Students are expected to follow the same guidelines outlined in the acceptable use of JLA owned mobile devices.
Computer Care
JLA provides technology devices for students to use on an as-needed basis. Proper use and care of tablets and computers are critical to ensure that they are available for everyone’s use. All students are to immediately report damaged, broken, vandalized, or otherwise non-usable computers or mobile devices to their teacher.
Internet Access
The JLA network is a secure network available only to faculty, staff, and students. Ultimately, parent/s or guardian/s of minors are responsible for setting and conveying the standards that their children should follow. Therefore, every student enrolled in classes at JLA must read this Acceptable Use Policy statement with his/her parents, agree to the terms of this policy, and obtain parental permission as signature, in order to use technology resources at JLA. There will be a follow up with students at the start of each fall semester to review this policy. .
Privacy/Student Data
Although each student has his/her own account, student computer files are not private. Supervising staff have the right to view and/or modify any information stored by student account holders, with or without prior notice. Information stored, including email communications, which contain unacceptable, inappropriate, or illegal content, may be used in disciplinary proceedings with students.
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Acceptable Use
Network access and daily use of accounts is a big responsibility. Students who receive password-protected accounts are fully responsible for all activity that occurs on their assigned account, whether or not the account holder committed the action. Students must use only their own account and should not give their passwords to others or allow others to use their accounts. Users are responsible for reporting problems, cases of abuses, or the misuse of technology resources.
Responsible use of JLA technology resources requires students to be ethical, courteous, and honest in a way that aligns with the mission of the school. The following activities are deemed unacceptable by administrative staff. Some actions are not only inappropriate but expressly prohibited by law.
- Intentionally downloading, displaying, or sending pornographic, racist, or otherwise offensive material
- Using obscene language, harassing, insulting, or attacking others
- Damaging computers, accessories, supporting systems, or networks
- Violating copyright laws through file sharing
- Using others’ passwords or sharing of passwords
- Reviewing or modifying others’ files without permission
- Reviewing, modifying, or displaying files from administrative systems at JLA, JLA website/intranet, or other organizations
- Intentionally wasting limited resources including but not limited to downloading inappropriate or non-school related files
- Employing the network or other technology resources for commercial purposes or monetary gain
- Non-school related gaming and game site viewing
- Create, manipulate, or post images, audio, or video-related content of a student, teacher, staff member, or JLA event without permission
- Students are prohibited from using JLA’s name in conjunction with other schools, businesses, or brand names for web-based content related to academic projects, community involvement, or social networks
- Sharing music, movies, or commercial content through BitTorrent or any other illegal file sharing platform
- Attempt to launch non-approved software or operating systems on JLA owned devices and servers
- The use of social networks without meeting specified age requirements
- Interrupting school Internet service or any related network resources
- The use of proxy servers or VPN services to bypass network limitations
Cyber Bullying
Cyber bullying is the act of using a communication device to bully a person by sending texts and/or images that are intended to attack, demean, or negatively impact another person or group. JLAl has a zero tolerance policy for this type of behavior. Students who have knowledge of such activity are expected to immediately notify a counselor, teacher, or technology staff member.
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JLA reserves the right to filter content that is a distraction to instruction and learning. Students are responsible for bringing any questions about the acceptable use of technology to their teacher or supervising staff. JLA has taken precautions to filter content that is deemed inappropriate. However, safeguards can never be fully without fault as live content on the web changes by the second.
Violations of the JLA Acceptable Use Policy may result in a range of sanctions, including but not limited to loss of access, suspension, and possible expulsion.